Sunday, June 21, 2020

Moore Family....Richard, David, Charles, Derrick, Adrian, Derek

From now on I'm starting each family line with the oldest ancestor down. I think we get a better picture of how people are shaped based on those that have gone before them. I hope you agree...On to the Moore family.

Richard Moore (Mohr) was born in 1767 and died in 1805 at 38 years of age. He married Elisabeth Hogeboom (born Nov 14, 1761 in Claverack, New York) September 25, 1784 in Claverock, New York.. He was 17.

The only thing I have on this family is that they lived in Hillsdale, New York in 1789.

They had six children: Engeltje 1785, David (1789-1879), John (1793-1877) and Richard (1793-1859) both born 1793, William H (1800-1857), Sarah (1804-1859).


David Charles was born March 13, 1789 in Rensselaer, New York to Richard and Elisabeth (Hogeboom) Moore. His baptism was March 16, 1789 in the Reformed Dutch Church in Hillsdale, New York. He moved to Highgate, Vermont in the 1800s with his father. David's father died when he was only 16.

There is paperwork for the War of 1812 Pensions listed for David.

About 1816 David married Anna Teachout (Nov 14, 1795-October 1, 1862) in Highgate, Vermont. He was 27 and she was 21.

We have a 1820 Census in Highgate, Vermont that lists 4 free white people in family. That was the only information collected on a census that year.

The 1830 Census again in Highgate has 8 in the family.

The next Census found is in 1850 in Highgate, Vermont. David is 62 and a farmer, His wife, Anna, is 50 with children Humphry 22, John 20, Elizabeth 17 and Mary 13.

Census 1860: again in Highgate,Vermont. We have much more information in this Census. David is a farmer and 71. His Real Estate value is $4000 and Personal Value $8175 which is really good in this day and time. His wife, Ann, is 60 with children Jacob 40, Humphry 33 and Mary 22.

Census 1970: David is 82 living with Humphry 62 and Sarah. They are farmers with a Real Estate Value of $6000 and Personal Value of $1500. Amazing the information they were requested to provide....and they did.

According to David's death certificate he died of old age March 17, 1879 in Highgate, Vermont at 90 years old! I have a picture of his headstone.

David and Anna had nine children: Richard 1818-1899, Jacob 1820-1886, Charles 1822-1892, Laura 1824-1858, Humphrey 1827-1889, John William 1830-1908, Elizabeth 1833-1925, Infant 1837-1837, Mary 1837.


Charles was born December 15, 1822 in Highgate, Vermont to David Charles and Anna (Teachout) Moore. He married Jane Donaldson (1822-1881) January 24, 1844 in Swanton, Vermont. They were both 20.

The 1850 Census in Swanton, Vermont lists Charles (28) and Jane (42) with Diana (3). He is a farmer with a Real Estate Value of $186.

The 1860 Census still in Swanton, Vermont Charles is 38, wife Jane 32, child only Derrick 13....(why Derrick was not listed in 1850 and where is Diana in 1860 I really don't know. Census are only as good as the people that take them. Spelling, penmanship all can lead to confusing Census but they are the best we have to track families!) Now his Real Estate Value is $350 and Personal Value is $350.

The Civil War records do list Charles who enlisted November 2, 1862. He is 39. He is with Regiment Company H Nebraska 2nd Calvary. Mustered out December 23, 1863.

We also know he was a widower at 58.

Charles passed away November 21, 1892 in Swanton, Vermont. He was 70. I have a picture of his headstone.

Children: Horace W 1845-1848, Diana 1846, Derrick 1849-1902.

NOTE: Charles carried his father's middle name.

                                                      Charles and Jane Moore

Derrick Moore was born July 17, 1849 in Highgate, Vermont to David Charles and Anna (Teachout) Moore.

The first Census we find on Derrick is 1860 in Swanton, Vermont. Derrick is 13. Derrick's father, Charles is 38, mother, Jane 32. Their Real Estate Value is $350 and Personal Value $350. Charles is listed as a farmer.

Derrick married Julia E Morse April 4, 1869 in Swanton, Vermont. He is 19 and listed as a farmer.

By the 1870 Census it looks like they are in Swanton, Vermont living with his maternal grandparents-the Donaldson family. Listed are Derrick, Julia, John (60), Almya (56), Helen (17) and Amanda (19). They are listed as farmers with a Real Estate Value of $2500 and Personal value of $600.

1880 Census: they are in St. Albans, Vermont. Listed are Derrick, Julia and Elizabeth Jane (8). He is listed as a Railroad Foreman.

In 1881 Derrick immigrates to Canada and the naturalization is 1894.

Julia passes away May 1, 1885.

Derrick married Caroline Edith Hinchey 17 Jul 1890, daughter of Robert and Mary (Ryder) Hinchey. She was born 1867 in Niagra Falls, Ontario, Canada. She brings into the marriage Ernest (8) and Daisy (6). Interesting information that was passed on to Dianne we see: Caroline Hinchey married John Drummond.  John was an engineer for the Canadian Pacific Railroad and ran the engines for the supply trains that carried food, railway ties and supplies from Ontario to the end-of-the-line as the railway moved west.  John was killed, in a train wreck, leaving Caroline with two small children James Ernest (Ernie) and Daisy.  Caroline kept the CPR boarding house for the men who worked on the railhead.  They moved on across the prairies as the railroad advanced until they reached Broadview in what is now Saskatchewan. In Broadview Caroline met and married a railroad man named Derrick Moore.

In 1891 census we see Derrick is a Locomotive Railroad Engineer and they go to the Free Church in Moose Jaw.

1901 they are still in Moose Jaw. Derrick is listed as a Railroad Engineer and they are Presbyterian.

There is an extensive obituary about Derrick that reads as follows:

Moose Jaw Times Herald, December 25, 1902

Derrick Moore Dead

The announcement of the death of engineer Derrick Moore on December 19, 1902. It came as a surprise to the people of Moose Jaw. About two months ago he had to give up his run on account of ill health. He seemed to be suffering from a slight attack of typhoid but was able to go around occasionaly and was uptown tow weeks ago.

He always enjoyed good health and confinement seemed to depress him. Toward s the last he gave right up and sank rapidly until Thursday when the doctor saw that there was no hope of recovery. The immediate cause of death was anemia.

The funeral took place at the family residence on Saturday at 2:15 o'clock under the auspices of the Moose Jaw Lodge 25, AF & AM, the decease being a member of Franklin Lodge No. 4, St. Albans, Vermont. The funeral was largely attended by friends and acquaintances. Pallbearers were: Joseph Lott, Jas. J. Wilson; Chas. A. Gass; G. M. Annable; J. D. Reid and J. E. Battel.

The deceased was 53 years old. He was married a second time in July 1890 and besides his bereaved wife, he leaves a daughter, Mrs. Dick of Montreal;2 step-children, Miss Daisy Drummond who is attending Normal in Regina, and Ernest Drummond, CPR fireman on this division and also a little son, Adrian, aged 6 to mourn his loss.

He was one of the oldest engineers on the CPR system having entered the employ of the company as an engineer during construction. He commenced railroading in St. Albans, Vermont, and came to Canada in the 70s and for some time ran an engine on the old government road, then known as the Quebec-Montreal Occidental and Ottawa Railroad. When this road was given to the CPR, he came west and first reached Moose Jay in 1893. For some years he had the paycar run and in 1886 was promoted to the regular passenger run from Moose Jaw to Broadview and was in charge of this run continually until his death. He seldom missed a run and never had an accident and he had probably the best reord on the road. He always took an active interest in railroad matters and was a most energetic brotherhood man. When Thundercreek division No. 15 of B. of L. was organized in 1896, he was elected Chief Engineer to which post he was elected each year.

He was a strong temperance man, particularly so of late years and many a temperance lecture he has given to wayward railroaders. He set a good example in this connection and was no doubt the means of putting many a young man on the right road.

He will be missed in railroad circles and all along the division but especially in Moose Jaw where he was known and esteemed by all...his origin is Irish.

He was 53.

Children: Elizabeth Jane 1871, Raymond D 1877-1877, Adrian Charles Robert 1895-1961.


Adrian was born November 1, 1895 in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada to Derrick and 
Caroline Edith (Hinchey) Moore.

In the 1901 Census in Moose Jaw, Canada Derrick is 50, Caroline 40, James Ernest 18 
and Daisy 16 with Adrian who is 5.

We already know that Adrian's father, Derrick, died when he was 7. 

The 1906 Census they are in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan where Carrie, Adrian's mother, 
is 40, Ernest Drummond 23, Daisy Drummond 20,(children from her first marriage) and 
Adrian Moore 10.

1916 Census in Moose Jaw: notes that Adrian is 20 and his mother Caroline 50. 
Adrian is listed as Irish. His profession: a druggist. They are Presbyterian.

1917 shows Adrian graduated from the University of Saskatchewan.

Finally the 1921 Kindersley, Saskatchewan Census: Adrian is 25, listed as a Druggist 
with an income of $1500.

May 31, 1924 Adrian married Gertrude Mae Scott. They were married 37 years.

November 28, 1924 they had this first daughter, Valerie Adrienne then September 12, 1926 
Doreen Mae and last Derek Scott November 6, 1928

Adrian passed away October 13,  1961 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He was 66. Memories
from his grandchildren often include the gigantic model train set up he had in his basement. 
Terry doesn't remember them getting to play with it...but admire it.

I also want to note a message from “others researching the family history” Robert Hinchey
was a locomotive engineer and many of the Hinchey men were involved with the railroad in 
one way or another so it would appear Adrian came by his love for trains naturally. 

It's also to be noted the Hinchey family were by profession musicians....except for Robert 
who went the railroad way.

NOTE: Adrian carried his maternal and paternal grandfather's names.

Children: Valerie 1924-2000, Doreen 1926-2013, Derek 1928-1975

                                 Adrian and Gertrude Moore


Derek Scott Moore was born November 6, 1928 to Adrian Charles Robert and Gertrude 
Mae (Scott) Moore in Kelvington, Saskatchewan, Canada. He married Flora “Amy” Cameron  
Smith May 15, 1950.

They had two sons born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Richard Derek born February 6, 1951
 and Terry Scott born May 20, 1953 but we see by 1957 the family is in Gillette, Wyoming,
USA as they have a daughter, Jan Marie, on December 6, 1957 and then Dianne Susan,
 the last of their children, is born July 26, 1959 in Panguitch, Utah. 
The family settled in the US with a long time spent in Houston, Texas but at time of death they
 were in Denver, Colorado. Dinty passed away of a heart attack in his sleep June 10, 1975. 
He was 47.

His funeral was June 13th, 1975 in Denver, Colorado, but he was cremated and later returned
 to Canada to be buried. His urn was sent back to Saskatoon, Canada in fall/winter of 1976. 
He was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery April 29, 1977. Woodlawn Cemetery Records 

Dinty made cable to drag behind boats off shore to map undersea floor for rock formations for
 oil. Before that he was a land seismographer.

Dinty was loved by all. He was found often working on projects around the house for his 
beloved wife, Flo. At one time Flo officially sold Avon but Dinty sold more at his work. Dinty 
was the one who balanced the order and sacked the products to be taken out. The family 
often vacationed at lakes. Lake Greenwater in Saskatoon was a favorite place to go. A 
treasured memory for Terry was when his father built a camper to put on the back of their 

NOTE: Derek carried his mother's maiden name Scott and great grandfather's name Derrick.

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