(Left to right) 1st row: John, Martha, Wiley and Ida
2ndrow: Mollie, Linnie, Aretha
3rdrow: Raymond , Walter, Gene, Lemmie and Charley
Wylie with sons and grandson
So we have gone back through the generations of the Mason family line (confirmed to 1752 with James Mason) but just as important in that mix was the Wolford family line because Marion Francis Mason was married to Linnie Gertrude Wolford who gave birth to Francis, Elmer, Lemmie, Enoch and Hershel. Let's explore this family line.
Linnie Gertrude Wolford was born on January 9, 1891, in Garland, Texas to Wiley Riseden and Martha Syrilda Coulson. She married Marion Francis Mason on July 7, 1906, in Chigley, Oklahoma. She died on August 28, 1976, in Konawa, Oklahoma, at the age of 85. Linnie was a strong woman. She gave birth to Francis, Lemmie and Elmer within their first few years of marriage then eight years later she gave birth to Enoch who only lived three years. The year after his death she gave birth to Hershel. Lennie's mother died when she was 42, her father when she was 44 and her husband when she was 51. She had been married 35 years. She went on to live 34 more years passing away in 1976. She was a pastor's wife for many years and then went on to preach after Marion passed away.
Attached are some of the cards of confirmation she was a minister.
They read: The General Council of the Assemblies of God Springfield, Missouri Certifies that Linnie G Mason is hereby recognized by the Executive Presbytery of the General Council as an ORDAINED MINISTER of the Gospel, affiliated and in good standing with the Assemblies of God. You can see her signature on all of the cards.
There is also the family picture that a copy was given to me. Aunt Fran said it always hung in her mother's home. She loved her family!
Attached to a paper written by her grandaughter Charlotte about “Ma Mason”
Attached to a paper written by her grandaughter Charlotte about “Ma Mason”
Linnie it reads:
I would like to add a post script to this. Our Sister Mason was also a preacher. When her husband was in a rvival and preaching every night sometimes he would be so tired or his voice would have had it so she would preach a night or so and again when he was away from home and in a revival she would fill his pulpit in the home church and I never
heard her preach on that was not good and they always spiritually uplifted. Our whole church felt the same way. One who has known her much longer than any of us.....
Charlotte Mason
November 3, 1958
A Soldieress of the Cross
She is not one who would command attention or cause a second glance
because of an unusual appearance. However, there is such a glowing
countenance about her that one could not help but notice it.
My grandmother is a woman who has a stout build and a very independent
personality. Accenting her determined face, she wears her hair in a
braided knot at the back of her head. She was once red headed, but
with the passing of time her hair has turned almost completely white.
The mixture of red and white hair makes a pinkish tint that matches
her ruddy complexion. She has a normal supply of wrinkles that seem
to make her whole face participate in the action when she smiles. Her
kindly, hazel eyes are deeply set beneath a broad, smooth forehead.
When one begins to converse with Grandmother, he notices her outstanding
qualities. There is such a serenity and peace surrounding her very
being. She speaks with knowledge which was not achieved through
books, but by experience.
She had her share of hard knocks, for she was the wife of a pioneer
preacher. They traveled from town to town, living in a covered wagon
most of the time. She has often told me of building a campfire,
heating the rusted irons, and pressing her husband's white shirts.
Besides this, she had four children to tend to. Grandmother worked
enthusiastically at the services where Grandfather preached. In fact,
her voice is harsh today from straining it in outdoor revivals
singing songs and leading.
Memories from great granddaughter Vicki Moore. I remember visiting a tiny home
she lived in that was very hot to me and then her in my wedding pictures. My grandfather, Lemmie, loved and respected his mother a lot. Even after his father had been buried in another town once his mother died he had his father's coffin broght to be with his mother
in Vamoosa Cemetary outside Konawa, Oklahoma. Oh how I wish as a young lady I had sat down to visit with her and find out about her life growing up!! Wonderful and comforting to know I will take that opportunity in heaven when I see her again.
April 14, 1973 Benny Mason, Vicki Mason, Lennie Gertrude Wolford Mason, Lemmie Mason
There is also the family picture that a copy was given to me. Aunt
Fran said it always hung in her mother's home. She loved her family!
Note: Lennie's great, great, great grandmother went by the name Lenny......wouldn't you just love to know if they passed that name down through the generations? Did she know the story of her great, great, great grandmother? May we do a good job of letting our children know where their names came from—especially if they are down from family members!!
Linnie's father was Wylie Riseden Wolford born May 23, 1849 in Russell, Kentucky to John Milton Wolford (1824-1903) and Mary Jane Epison (1827-1898). Wylie married Martha Syrilda Coalsonin 1874 in Texas. Martha Surilda (it looked like from the many census they are in she often went by Rilda) was born December 20, 1858 in Wyetherville, Va. and she passed away on January 26, 1933 in Lewiston, Texas. She was 75. Wylie passed away September 7, 1935 in Mt. Belview, Texas. He was 86. Through Ancestry it now shows I have 23 DNA matches with Wylie and Martha.
Wylie was in the 1850 Census as just a young guy then in 1860 all in Dallas, Texas. In the 1900 Census he shows up as a farmer and on his death certificate a retired farmer is listed. The family is in the 1910 census.
Wylie and Martha had 10 children. The 1930 census shows they lived with their married daughter.
They are buried in the Rose Hill Cemetery in Tyler, Texas.
Wylie pictured with his sons and a grandson.
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