It looks like it has been several weeks since I posted. March 14, 2020 our President Donald Trump announced a National Emergency due to the Corono Virus that is infecting so many worldwide. Therefore, every since then we have stayed home except for the occasional trip to get curbside groceries. These are surreal times but I do have plenty of time to dig into family genealogy!!
I've worked hard on investigating my father's family line....we
Mason (Lemmie,
Marion, Sylvanis, Sylvanus, Thomas, James)
Wolford (Linnie,
Wylie, John Milton, Dr. John, Major John, Johan)
McKay (Clara,
Benjamin, William Franklin, William Andrew)
McCullers (Camella,
Peyton, James, Malcolm)
are still lines that branch off from these folks (Curl, Dupree,
Covington, Patterson, Shuck, Coulson, Shephard) but I'll try to
investigate them at another time as now I'll go to my mother's family
start with my mother's family....the Daniels.
Anna (Daniel) Stringer
Anna was born September 19, 1908 to Woody Asberry and Leola
Mae (Brannon) Daniel in Franklin, Oklahoma. Pearl was only three
when her mother died. Her mother died after her baby sister was born
and so the baby went to live with Leola's sister. Her father, Woody,
remarried when Pearl was six. He married Mary Magdaline Hastings in
1914 but Mary died the next year along with her baby Sallie.
1920 Census from Wolf, Seminole, Oklahoma Pearl is 11 and
lives with her father who is a farmer, her grandfather Asberry who is
61 and her brother George who is 13.
27, 1928 Pearl marries Delbert Elloid Stringer in
Pottawatomie, Oklahoma.
family is in River, Mayes County, Oklahoma in the 1930 Census.
Pearl, Delbert and baby Mary (7 months) live with Pearl's father,
Woody (46), and Grandfather, Asberry (71). It noted Woody, Pearl and
Mary are Mixed Cherokee. This is the only place I see them listed
that way.
and Delbert had six children: Mary Magdalene (1929-), Joe Woody
(1931-2018), Helen Marie (1935-2018), Jessie Mae (1938-), Baby girl
(1941-1941), and George Elloid (1945-).
was baptized in the First Baptist Church in Stonewall, Oklahoma May
1941. They moved from Stonewall, Oklahoma to Eunice, New Mexico
December 4, 1947 to the Carbon Black Plant. In November 1948 she
started going to the Assembly of God Church. They moved into Eunice
in July 1963.
and Delbert went into the Good Sam Nursing Home in Lovington, New
Mexico in 1996. In
1997 received the Character Counts Certificate for Loyalty, also they
were elected Valentine King and Queen in February.
Jay, Dutch, Jessie and George)
have always been proud to call you mom and dad. We don't know how to
say in words how much we appreciate all of the things you did for us
while we were growing up. Your first and foremost thought was always
to provide for the family. We always had clothes, food and most of
all lots of love from our parents. You have always given us
unconditional love. We were taught to be honest (do what we said we
would do), work hard, take care of our business and let others take
care of theirs and we would do ok in life. You supported us through
good times and bad. We know how hard you have worked all your life
and the sacrifices you made for family and friends. Anyone who came
to your door was welcomed. You made many lifelong friendships and
were respected by neighbors and the community. You helped the
extended family, also friends and neighbors when you could. We have
no bad memories, we forgot the few times we got a whipping or the few
times we didn't get to do what we wanted. We suppose that in every
family there are good times and bad -but when we look back the good
times stand out and the bad times tend to fade out. We choose to
dwell on the good times and the positive aspects. You have always set
a good example. When you decided it was best to go into a nursing
home, the two of you went and have never griped or complained. You
treat all of the people at the nursing home with respect and in turn
they treat you with respect and dignity.
what a patient, long suffering mother, God blessed us with. You are a
kind, caring, and concerned woman that just loves life, and loves
doing things for anybody that needs help. When we were growing up,
you were there when we hurt, and you were there when we were happy.
Mom you influenced our life more than anyone did. If we wanted
anything, you did everything in your power to see that we got it. You
had worked so hard as a child that you bent over backwards to let us
have a good time. You knew what was the special thing that each of
our spouses/kids and us liked and you always fixed that when we came
home. You loved for anyone to come visit, and you always outdid
yourself when you cooked meals. When the meals were over, there was
still a lot of food left. You made each of us feel very important.
You enjoyed seeing that everyone around got the most out of life. You
too, taught us that family was so important. You taught us by
example that we all should bend over backward to get along with and
always associate with our siblings, and never, never, never be rude
to them or their families. We were to be patient, kind and helpful to
each other. This has carried over into our married lives. Mom, you
are the strongest Christian we know. You always loved the Lord so
much and felt the most important thing was for us to go to church and
serve the Lord. You couldn't drive so each of us drove us to church
and when the last one was gone (and George was too young) you learned
to drive so you could stay in church. You planted this in all our
hearts and your one wish was that we would know and serve the Lord.
Mom, your devotion to your religious beliefs is unequaled. You are
always a very strong Christian, and witness to everyone you get a
chance to, for GOD. You met a lot of obstacles in your road to
living for GOD, but your strong FAITH in GOD, has kept you stronger
every day. You always wrote letters of encouragement and scriptures.
The letter would contain maybe one or two pages of encouragement and
things that were happening at home, and four or five pages of
scriptures and preaching of GOD's word. And Mom, how much we
appreciate your persistence. When we weren't in church you would
write letters and enclose a mini sermon in every one. Sometimes I
would think will she never give up. Thank God you didn't. Thanks for
passing your sense of family ties, hard work and honesty to me.
Thanks for that legacy. We always felt a sense of security knowing
that in bad times we could go back home, which we did on occasion.
You supported and encouraged us, when we wanted to do something.
Thanks for encouraging us. Thanks, Mom, we love you.
all of this and much more we feel blessed and we love you. God truly
blessed us with parents who loved and took care of us. We really
appreciate both of you and thank you for everything, and for always
being there when we needed you. We just want to say that thanks to
your influence, that we will always strive to be there for our
spouses and children, and try not to be a hindrance in their lives.
Thanks to both of you for being there when we needed you.
all my blessed children: Read the Bible and believe it from cover to
cover. Most anything you want to know you will find in the Bible.
Keep the Ten Commandments. Believe on the Lord Jesus and you shall be
saved. Mother to children and husband, to all.
and children, their companions and children:
do repent of all your sins. Tell God you know that Jesus Christ is
the son of God, that He died on the cross, was buried and rose again
three days later that we might have life and have it more abundant.
Ask Jesus to come in your heart, and rule your life, lead, guide and
direct you. Ask Him to come into your hearts and save your souls. I
will live the rest of my days for you Jesus. He will save you. Jesus
said if any come unto him He would in no wise cast him out. We must
tell the devil to get behind us, we must live for Jesus. Tell Him we
will life for Jesus. Pearl (Don't ever take the mark of the beast
throughout Pearl's Bible are notes.
the Bible through from cover to cover in 1965. Finished reading
November 4, 1965
read the Bible from Genesis through Revelations in 1959. Pearl (the
4th time through)
the Bible through from cover to cover twice finished it February 19,
1954-ten minutes after 12 o'clock noon.
reading through the 3rd time Feburary 28, 1957 - 6 oclock a.m.
the Bible through cover to cover in 1972, 1960
the Bible through from cover to cover in 1959 the 4th time through,
should been lots more. Praise God.
passed away December 18, 1998 (he was 89 years old) and Pearl May 27,
2004 (she was 95). Pearl's
obituary notes they had 17 grandchildren, 33 great grandchildren and
13 great-great grandchildren at Pearl's death.
found it amazing as I looked into the information on our Granny
(Pearl). She went through the death of her mother at such a young age
(three) and then the death of her stepmother and half sister when she
was only six. It looks like basically her father and grandfather
raised her. Those are really hard times yet you would of never
guessed she had those hard times because she was not an angry or
bitter person. It was more than obvious she loved the Lord and her
have Pearl's family Bible which is a treasure. She tracked family
history in it. What a woman. What a legacy she leaves for all!! Sure
look forward to seeing her in heaven!!
we will see all we an uncover through census information on her
father Woody Daniel.