In sharing with my mom this awesome memory about my grandson I thought......I don't want to loose it-I need to write it down. Write it down where? Where would I be able to find it? Hmmm....I'll just have a blog to preserve these precious memories I don't want to loose. I want to be able to tell them to my grandchildren about themselves when they are old. Wouldn't it of been need it I would of done this with my own children? Ofcourse in looking back some of them wouldn't of appreciated it--but others would of. It is so much about their personalities and sex when it goes into something like that I am finding.
So on and up....... the fun thing that happened last night
Picture it----around 50 2nd grade children being instructed in how to play a game. They are told to get in a circle. Yep, there is that one blonde headed little boy with the grin from ear to ear jumping up and down over and over fist pumping in the air. By the way he is the only 2nd grader doing that. It is as if he just could not contain himself another moment as he was so excited. He did it often throughout the game and then when he was told to sit down he couldn't continue doing that either. He would stand up when he shouldn't and eventually the teacher had to address it.
His personality is full of life and excitement. Even at 8 years old he will let you know he has 150 friends. He was born excited to go and do and make friends. God is knitting in him one special person. How blessed I am to get a front row seat and see how this adventure all turns out.
Yabba,dabba,dooo let's go! :) Colby, Colby, Colby my dad called him.